In Kawaii Adobenshaas in Anime Rand, Steve is an ordinary schoolboy who is one day magically transformed into a sparkling anime named Chichi-chan in animes land. In animes land, he meets Kiwi-chan, a genki catgirl who hates shaving her legs, Mumi-chan, his slutty toddler imouto who begs for his cock, Gupi-chan, Chichi-chan's new robot meido love slave who is trying discretely to fit in with human society, Nuki-chan, a shy bookworm, and Geroshabou-chan, an anime version of Helga from Hey Arnold.
Cool. Keep up the the horrible but entertaining work
ReplyDeleteGupichan is mai waifu
ReplyDeleteLoved this part.
ReplyDeletehope this project is still alive.
ReplyDeleteWhen is this going to be done I can't wait. Totally stoked about Mumi-chan's route!!!
ReplyDeleteplease... for the love of god... finish this...
ReplyDeleteThis shit is Kino. Please finish thist shit.